An Interview With The Actor Sarah Gordy MBE

Richard Bailey
2 min readMar 15, 2021

A podcast interview with the outstanding actress Sarah Gordy MBE, who happens to have Down syndrome.

Sarah Gordy ©Richard Bailey

In a previous article called ‘Sarah After Vermeer’ I showcased portraits I had taken of the actor Sarah Gordy, in the style of Vermeer paintings.

Not only have I photographed Sarah, I have also interviewed her for the Shifting Perspectives podcast.

This is a podcast where I talk to young adults who have Down syndrome, as well as parents and siblings of people with Down syndrome. The chats take in a wide range of people with DS, including a chat to a parent whose daughter has a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism.

In my short chat with Sarah, she tells me about her life as an actor, dancer, model…..recipient of an MBE AND an honorary doctorate! We talk about her career highlights, current projects and being an ambassador and advocate.

